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Why Does God Permit Suffering? Can't Life Be Pain-free?

Why Does God Permit

Photo by Stefan Keller on Pixabay

A king’s child isn’t expected to experience suffering, nor is a rich man’s daughter supposed to undergo hardships.

If God is the King of kings and the owner of the whole universe, why does HE permit HIS children to live in agony? Didn’t HE appoint man to govern the earth?

Sin Altered Man’s Focus

In the beginning, when God created everything on the earth, HE appointed man to be king over all other creations—to dominate and subdue all through HIS instructions. (Genesis 1:28-31)

During this period, in the Garden of Eden, man knew God more than himself. Man knew more of God’s desires than his own desires. They were more focused on pleasing God than pleasing themselves. Man knew nothing about good and evil. They had authority over all things on earth—including the devil. (Luke 10:19)

Essentially, man lived possessing God’s unconditional love, which made them live unitedly with one another. (Psalm 133)

In other words, they were all united in their relentless commitment to walk perfectly in all of God’s ways. Therefore, they needed no commander, ruler, judge, president, or police. (Deuteronomy 10:12)

But when sin crept in, man’s focus got altered.

Peace, patience, kindness, righteousness, truth, and Christ Jesus prevails in a place dominated by God’s love.

Is Sin the Cause of Man’s Suffering?

Genesis 3:16 (KJV) revealed that the moment man ditched God’s love and embraced the world’s love (devil’s offer), God “multiplied” man’s suffering.

According to mathematics, the only number you can multiply and yield nothing is zero (0). Therefore, since God “multiplied” man’s suffering, there could have been elements of suffering in the Garden of Eden.

If there were no element of suffering in the garden, the text should have read, “16 Unto the woman he said, I will permit great sorrow on you and…”.

The tendency that man could still have experienced suffering irrespective of Adam and Eve’s sin makes the question “Why does God permit suffering?” even more substantial. It makes me wonder if God created man to suffer. It makes me question who precisely exerts suffering on man? God, the devil, or man himself? Is man ever going to live a life free of suffering?

God does not force himself on man. HE allows people to choose their master. Adam and Eve chose to serve the world. Who have you chosen to serve?

Joshua 24:14-15

Habakkuk’s Experience

Prophet Habakkuk was as perplexed as most modern Christians about why God permits suffering—especially to HIS children. Therefore, he asked God, “Why do you LORD show your child iniquity (suffering).” Habakkuk 1

While reading the chapter, I was eager to know God’s reply—which I joyfully found in chapter 2 of the same book. But God’s response seemed rather more mysterious.

I had expected God to scold Habakkuk for complaining (which Habakkuk also seemed prepared for—Chapter 2 vs. 1) or help him out of his sufferings. But instead, God revealed to him (Habakkuk) HIS “future” plans towards those that currently oppress HIS children.

In other words, Habakkuk’s complaint didn’t move God an inch to immediately deliver HIS children from their oppressors.

The only word of immediate comfort that God gave Habakkuk was that “the just shall live by faith.” (Habakkuk 2:4)

That is, the righteous ones shall not live based on the evidence of their current sufferings. But instead, by believing that they shall attain some future glory—once they righteously persevere till the end. (Revelation 2:10)

But how does this answer Habakkuk’s primary question, “O LORD, why do you show me iniquity?”

Habakkuk’s Reaction

Surprisingly, God’s response satisfied Habakkuk. He answered God, saying, “Although the fig tree shall not blossom, … Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation1.” (Habakkuk 3:17-18)

What understanding (revelation) did Habakkuk have that made him content to continue suffering—rather than insisting that God gives him a concrete reason for allowing suffering?

Habakkuk’s Understanding

👑 God does whatsoever please HIM with no one capable of faulting HIM. (Psalm 115:3, 135:6; Romans 9:20-21)

🔥 It pleased God to create the devil for condemnation after fulfilling his assigned purpose of tempting people to sin (to depart from God’s love). Isaiah 45:7-10

😈 It pleased God to predestine the devil for evil works before his creation. (John 8:44; 1 John 3:8)

👨‍⚖️ It pleased God to have judged the devil even before his existence. (John 16:11)

🆚 It pleased God to let man choose their master. (Joshua 24:15)

Devil’s Food

The devil’s core purpose is to tempt people to sin against God Almighty. That’s all the devil stands for. Temptation is all the devil feeds on. It is the core substance that makes him fulfilled. Revelation 12:9

To accomplish his purpose, the devil tries all his best to succeed over God’s people.

This devilish trend also exists in those without God’s love (the world), who will go to any length to exert dominion and authority according to man’s rules.

Therefore, an attempt to disobey the world’s hierarchies is an attempt to receive the punishment(s) for defying the world’s authority. Matthew 20:25

The world’s power rules the people of the world; God’s LOVE rules the people of God.

John 13:34-35

Devil’s Strategy

To lure Christ’s children into sin, the devil tempts and seeks God’s permission to exert suffering engineered to force God’s people to ditch God’s love. (Daniel 3)

As God deems it fit, HE may grant the devil his request—so that HIS children may prove beyond all doubt that they love HIM unconditionally. (Romans 8:35-39; 1 Corinthians 10:13)

The devil is submissive to God. He does what God authorizes him to do.

Job 1:7-22; 1 Kings 22:22; Mark 5:1-14

Beware that Christians have intense pressure to love the world based on the world’s crowdedness with those embracing the world’s love.

In it all, Christ’s children will always have the free choice to accept the world’s offers or consciously choose to receive the world’s suffering by choosing to love God alone. (Daniel 6; Revelation 13:15-18)

Notable Precedents

Adam and Eve were mandated to prove their love for God by obeying the LORD’s commands. However, even without the devil exerting any suffering on them, they fell into the tempting power of the serpent. (Genesis 3)

Job had the option not to suffer by simply cursing God. Still, he consciously chose to suffer to prove beyond all doubt that he loves God unconditionally. (Job 14:14)

Similarly, Peter and John had the option not to suffer by simply obeying the high priest’s command that they must not speak nor teach in the name of Jesus. However, they refused. Instead, they chose to suffer and remain in the love of their LORD. (Acts 4:18)

Worldly Pleasure or Christ’s Love? Which Do You Choose?

God has no interest in forcing anyone to love HIM. Instead, HE allows man to choose his paths.

When Christ returns, man shall receive the reward for the paths he chose during his life on earth—be it good or evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14; Romans 2; Matthew 16:24-28)

Some choose to suffer for themselves. Some choose to suffer for their worldly masters. Few choose to suffer solely for Christ.

Acts 21:13

Wrapping It Up

One of the most remarkable powers God has given man is the power of choice. But here is the pattern:

  • God instructs man according to HIS will.
  • The devil works steadfastly to accomplish his predestined purpose of luring people into sin.
  • Man has the power to choose his love—God or the world.
  • At the end of it all, many will receive the reward of eternal suffering. At the same time, Christ will crown few with God’s eternal salvation. (Habakkuk 2; Revelation 20)

Therefore, the crucial question you will always need to answer through confession and lifestyle is, “Who should I choose to love—the world or God?”

God is LOVE. Satan is suffering. God is everlasting. Satan is evanescent.

Revelation 12:12; 1 Peter 5:8-11; Hebrews 1:8-12


If you choose to love God, the world will hate you. Consequently, they will impose sufferings engineered to make you love them.

Therefore, consider your choice carefully. God isn’t forcing you on HIS side. However, HIS desire for you is everlasting life. (John 3:16; Matthew 10:22-41; John 15:17-20; 1 John 2:15-17)

The world exerts power on its people to achieve its visions. It exerts compulsion on God’s people to make them obey its orders. It will suffer those that are not submissive.

Matthew 20:25-28

Frequently Asked Questions on Suffering

Below are some commonly asked questions and answers on suffering.

Did God create suffering?

Christ created all things for Himself (Colossians 1:16). In other words, suffering, love, gold, spirits, and so on were all created by God for purposes that glorify HIM best.

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

—Isaiah 45:7 (KJV)

What is the devil’s purpose?

The devil’s purpose is to tempt people to sin against God. And he may use suffering to execute his mission.

The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.

—Proverbs 16:4 (KJV)

Why did God create man?

God created humans to declare HIS glory through faithful obedience to HIS instructions and overcoming all temptations—irrespective of their circumstances. (John 14:23-24; Psalm 19)

Are all sufferings a consequence of one’s sin?

Not all sufferings are a consequence of one’s sin. Remember, God saw Job to be perfect and upright. However, HE permitted the devil to tempt him with various things, including suffering. (Job 1)

In as much as Satan exists, suffering will continue. But when Christ returns to banish evil to hell, God’s children who have overcome temptations will have everlasting joy unspeakable.

(Revelation 3:12, 21; Revelation 7:13-17; 1 Peter 1:3-25)

Why did God create evil to tempt man—does HE not know it all?

A lot of people are perplexed about the reason God created evil. I mean, HE says HE is a good God. So how can “the good and perfect one” make that which is devilish?

Moreover, since evil existed before humans, why didn’t God first banish evil to hell before Adam and Eve’s creation? Alternatively, since HE is the most powerful of all, why didn’t HE create a means to shield man away from evil?

All these thoughts and more are common among both believers and non-believers.

But once you cannot relate with Christ based on the truth that God is God (the I AM that I AM) that can do (and undo) with no man able to question HIM. Then, you are bound to be confused and lost in mysteries beyond human faculties. (Isaiah 45:9)

Irrespective of your relationship with God, be assured of these:

  • God created you perfectly. However, HE has given you the responsibility to maintain your perfect status. (Matthew 5:48)
  • God guarantees that all evil will soon get destroyed with fire and brimstone. (Revelation 21:8)
  • HE is patient to see you glorifying HIM—by obeying HIS instructions and shunning all evil temptations. (Ephesians 2:10)

How can a man be perfect?

The only way you can be perfect is to obey God always.

In other words, the only way a person can return to his perfect status is by accepting Jesus Christ and obeying all HIS commandments. HE alone knows the best way. (John 14:21-24)

Adam and Eve refused to obey God, so they lost their perfect status—which nothing could redeem except Christ Jesus.

Once Jesus becomes your only master, you will become one of those worthy to know mysteries beyond human comprehension. (Revelation 10:4)

Prayer Point

Thank you, LORD, for creating me for your glorification. Please lead me to choose you always—regardless of the sufferings that may come my way. And grant me the grace to know you better each moment of my life. Amen.

Useful Resources

  • 1 Peter 4:12-16
  • John 9:13-41
  • John 12:42-43


  1. The future crown for the saints—Hebrews 1:14