Life Guide – How to Live a Successful Life
Photo by Mohamed Hassan on Pixabay
This life guide exists to help you live a successful life.
Contained in it are biblical answers to essential questions on how you can excellently accomplish the purposes of your destiny.
Indeed, life may sometimes seem mysterious and confusing. However, Christ is always available to guide you to HIS delight.
Use this manual as part of Christ’s tools to illuminate your path to HIS glory.
How Can I Abide in Christ’s Love?
Keep His commandments.
John 15:10
How Can I Be Blessed?
Be sinless (that is, walk in the law of the LORD), keep God’s testimonies, seek HIM wholeheartedly, and do no iniquity (that is, walk in Christ’s ways).
Psalm 119:1-3
How Can I Be Delivered from the Wicked?
Trust God.
Psalm 37:40
How Can I Be Delivered in Time of Trouble?
Consider the poor.
Psalm 41:1-3
How Can I Be Just?
Do that which is lawful and right.
Do not eat upon the mountains, nor lift your eyes to the idols.
Never defile your neighbor’s wife or come near a menstruous woman.
Do not oppress any but restore to the debtor his pledge. (Exodus 22:26)
Spoil none by violence.
Give your bread to the hungry and cover the naked with a garment.
Do not give forth upon usury (interest)—neither take any increase.
Withdraw your hand from iniquity.
Execute true judgment between man and man.
Walk in God’s statutes and keep HIS judgments to deal truly.
Ezekiel 18:5-9
How Can I Be Preserved Forever?
Be a saint of God: loving God and hating evil.
Psalm 31:23 • Psalm 37:28 • Psalm 97:10 • Daniel 7:18
How Can I Be Righteous?
Speak wisdom, talk of judgment, keep God’s laws in your heart, and trust in the LORD.
Psalm 37:30-40 • Joshua 1:8 • Psalm 1
How Can I Depart from Evil?
Fear God.
Proverbs 16:6
How Can I Eradicate Sin?
Be merciful and truthful.
Proverbs 16:6
How Can I Fear God?
Hate evil.
Proverbs 8:13
How Can I Follow Christ Jesus?
Do not savor (relish) the things of men. Instead, savor (take delight in) Godly things.
Matthew 16:23
How Can I Have a Peaceful End?
Be perfect and upright.
Psalm 37:37 • Matthew 5:48
How Can I Learn to Fear God Always?
Tithe diligently.
Deuteronomy 14:22-23
How Can I Live Forever?
Depart from evil and do good.
Psalm 37:27
How Can I Live Happily?
Trust God.
Proverbs 16:20
How Can I Live in Christ Jesus?
Walk after the Spirit and not after the flesh.
Romans 8:1
How Can I Love?
Be patient, kind, unenvious, unboastful, humble, decorous, Christ-centered, calm, goodhearted, Christ-minded, responsible, faithful, optimistic, tolerant, and dependable.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
How Can I Make My Enemies Be at Peace with Me?
Let your ways please the LORD.
Proverbs 16:7
How Can I Obtain Good Favor?
Diligently seek good.
Proverbs 11:27
How Can I Purify My Way?
Pay close attention to and follow God’s word.
Psalm 119:9
How Can I See the LORD?
Follow peace with all men and holiness.
Hebrews 12:14
How Can I Think Right?
Think only about things that are:
- True
- Honest
- Just
- Pure
- Lovely
- Of good report
- Virtuous (Righteous)
- Praiseworthy
Philippians 4:8